
10 Tips for Healthy Hair Growth


1) Minimize Heat
We all know that heat styling is terrible for you hair (and if you didn’t now you do!) Blow drying, straightening, curling is all killer to the health of our hair. Try to minimize the amount of styling in order to preserve the health of your hair. There are tons of great no heat styles out there. And if you must style, make those curls/blow out/etc last as long as you can! For the really brave ones out there, try to cut all heat products out cold turkey for 30 days and see how your hair looks after!
2) Deeeeeeep Condition
Different from regular conditioner that is a shower staple, deep conditioner helps heal, feed, and hydrate your hair. I think that regular deep conditioner usage is the key to super smooth and soft hair. There are tons of drugstore and salon brands to choose from and each with a different function depending on what you want for your hair.
3) Healthy Lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle is important to all aspects of life and your hair health is part of that! Eating a balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and grain will help your hair (and the rest of you) in so many ways. And don’t forget hydration, hydration, hydration with the good old fashioned H2O to keep your skin and hair looking its best!
4) Take Your Vitamins
Along with a healthy diet, lots of people (including myself) take additional vitamins for hair health. I’ve used both Biotin and Vitamin E but recently have started using Vibrance Pure Healthy Hair vitamins. These are a multi vitamin for your hair, which promote growth and help add shine and thickness. I think that it has helped speed my hairs growth over the past month and helped it feel thicker.
Vibrance has been kind enough to supply a coupon code if you are interested in testing out the Pure Healthy Hair vitamins and I’m giving away a bottle free to one of you! You can enter at the bottom of this post.
5) Use Heat Protector
If you are going to use ANY hot tools on your hair, heat protectant is a must. I’m not 100% certain on the science behind it but as far as I understand, heat protectant helps your hair from getting fried on the outside of the hair shaft while still allowing for heat styling.
6) Massage Your Scalp
Scalp massage helps promote blood circulation, which leads to faster hair growth. This can be done in a variety of ways but I like to massage my scalp either before I shower or first thing in the morning. I sit of the edge of my bed, flip my head and all my hair upside down, then massage for 3-4 minutes. You can add essential oils or a conditioner for added brownie points.
7) Fewer Trims
This one seems so straight forward right?! If you want your hair to grow, don’t cut it so often. If you don’t have any breakage or severe split ends, don’t feel the need for a trim every six weeks. If you are cutting your hair every month or so, you’re simply taking off all that just grew back from the previous trim. If you have some breakage, split ends, or want some shape added back into your locks ask for a micro trim. This should only take one inch of length off or less.
8) Wash Less (Your Hair That Is)
Washing your hair less frequently allows the natural oils in your scalp to do their thing. It also keeps your hair from becoming overly dry, if you have dry hair. For oily haired gals, washing less can help ‘normalize’ or somewhat minimize the amount of oil being produced. For this, dry shampoo is your best friend! I recommend Batiste and Tresemme over all the other brands.
9) Breakage Protection
While it may feel wonderful to have the top down and windswept hair, think of all the tangles and snarls that ensue? Those snarls are all aspects that may led to split ends, which will require a trim. The higher up the hair shaft the breakage travels, the more you will need to cut off. Anytime that my hair may turn into a tangely mess, I always braid it. Sleeping, swimming, windy days are all times when I just throw my hair into a three strand braid to keep it tangle free
10) Chlorine Protection 
This one is for the blondes but brunettes and redheads can use this tricks too. Chlorine is killer to hair (blonde hair and especially bleached blonde hair because it is super porous and soaks up liquid like a sponge) and will leave it dry, damaged, and frizzy. Try getting your hair sopping wet with normal water, then apply a leave-in conditioner and tie it up somehow prior to getting into the pool during the summer months to minimize chlorine damage.
Don’t forget to enter to win a month’s supply of Vibrance Pure Healthy Hair Vitamins!
If you don’t win, you can still test them out using code: BBVRB1G1
Until next time,
Ana Luiza

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Thank you to Brand Backer and Vibrance for sponsoring this post and giveaway!

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Northwest Blonde is a Seattle based life and style blog by Ana Luiza.

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  1. Lisa wrote:

    Thanks for the tips! I'm wanting to get back into swimming and I have dark blonde hair so I really need to be extra careful with protecting my hair!

    Posted 3.31.15
    • Ana Luiza wrote:

      Yep it's always the blondes that suffer the most from chlorine!

      Posted 4.6.15
  2. Girl and the Polka Dot wrote:
    Posted 3.31.15
    • Ana Luiza wrote:

      Thanks Mel

      Posted 4.6.15
  3. Orly wrote:

    i just cut my hair, and i am desperate to make it grow! thank you for the tips, ill make sure to follow them

    Posted 3.31.15
    • Ana Luiza wrote:

      Let me know how they work out for you and if you discover any new ones along the way!

      Posted 4.6.15
  4. Storybook Apothecary wrote:

    thanks for the lovely hair tips! I try to deep condition every so often, but it's hard to make time. I should really start taking hair supplements lol. I hear also that using certain essential oils in your shampoo can help also!

    http://storybookapothecary 🙂 stop by and chat with me!

    Posted 3.31.15
    • Ana Luiza wrote:

      You're welcome! I will often make a night out of it when I deep condition and while it's working its magic, do my nails. Makes for a relaxing girls night or 'me time'

      Posted 4.6.15
  5. Jccee Barney wrote:

    These are some great tips! I follow most of them already. I need to be consistent with scalp messages though. I am glad I read your post. I have been treating my hair with extra care lately since I put some color in it. Thanks so much for sharing.

    Posted 3.31.15
    • Ana Luiza wrote:

      You're welcome! I love the scalp massages and always do them before showering. It's literally the best scalp stimulation!

      Posted 4.6.15

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