
How Blogging Improved My Wardrobe

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Unsurprisingly, documenting my own style and outfits for about five years has dramatically changed the way I dress. Something about taking a picture of how you look every single day and putting it out on the World Wide Web for anyone to see makes you think twice about how you look in the mirror every morning.

Some might read this and think me vain or conceited but it’s not that. I believe that how we dress matters and has an influence on people around us. It’s a billboard where we advertise ourselves to the world.

Plus, dressing better was one of the reasons I started this blog so many years ago. I wanted a way to be accountable for how I dressed and this certainly did the trick. Here are a few ways blogging has improved my wardrobe.

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How Blogging Improved My Wardrobe


While I have experimented with my style, over time I’ve come to know better what cuts and shapes I like and flatter me and the ones that don’t do me any favors. With daily pictures, there is simply no escaping the fact that some fashions, styles, and trends just don’t work for all body types. I’m a definite pear shape and know that what works on the tall willowy model won’t always fall just the same on your’s truly.


I can almost always see a new trend developing and know instantly whether I’ll like it or not. Cold shoulder anything – no thanks. Ultra-distressed denim – hard pass. Low cut, too tight, and too short – probably not for me.

This is a wonderful asset to know about yourself since it makes shopping go a bit faster. There’s a certain satisfaction in taking one look at the jeans the helpful sales associate suggests and being able to say “no”.


Piggybacking on what I said above, now that I know my shape, what flatters it, and the trends I find appealing, it’s been easier and easier to develop that into my own personal style. I feel confident in editing and adding to my closet where needed so I have an overall feminine, classic, and colorful wardrobe.


I also gained a number of very stylish friends, some of who are kind enough to share the bounty of their wardrobes with me on the regular. Like in this outfit, my dear friend Megan was listening to me moaning about how I’m sick of all my clothes, next thing I know, she’s arrived with a bag of goodies for me to borrow for a while. She is the best friend a girl could ask for.

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How has your personal style changed and evolved over the years? Let me know in the comments below! I’d love to know one trend you tested out and fell in love with!

Until next time,
Ana Luiza

DRESS: Target via Diary of this Girl // JACKET: old, similar here // SHOES: Louboutin (similar under $100) // BAG: Prada (similar here under $100)

Photos thanks to Madeleine Wilson Photography


Meet Ana Luiza

Northwest Blonde is a Seattle based life and style blog by Ana Luiza.

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  1. I am so into your bag, and you look amazing! XO


    Posted 3.15.18
  2. Posted 3.17.18

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