
Spring Style Essentials: Chambray

spring style essentials - chambray blazer - chambray jacket - high waist crop jeans - how to dress up denim

Since all signs are pointing to the fact that yes, spring will indeed arrive sometime soon(ish), I wanted to start a new series on here talking all about spring style essentials. I’m going to go through all my hands-down favorite spring items and touch more in depth as to why I keep reaching for each piece year after year, as well as recommendations for you guys if you need to fill any holes in your wardrobe.

Today we are talking all about chambray. This might be a little different from most “style essentials” lists as chambray is a fabric rather than an exact clothing item.

spring style essentials - chambray blazer - chambray jacket - high waist crop jeans - how to dress up denim spring style essentials - chambray blazer - chambray jacket - high waist crop jeans - how to dress up denim

Why chambray? It’s a lighter breezier fabric that can be dressed up or down and with various layers is versatile enough for between seasons as well as the height of summer. I would place it as lighter than standard denim but heavier than linen. And, bonus, in most cases is machine wash and dry-able!

Chambray is most often seen in button-up shirt form, which is sometimes known as the Swiss Army knife of your wardrobe. Why Swiss Army knife? Because it can be worn in so many different ways. I’ve show examples of it styled formally for work (see here), casually for the weekend, (see here), with a skirt (here), with more denim (here), you get the picture.

While a chambray button-up is a staple, this lovely fabric also finds it’s way into my spring wardrobe in the form of chambray dresses. These are a fantastic option for the spring to summer transition for those of you who live in warmer climates.

Lately, I’ve been getting a taste of spring style by incorporating this chambray blazer into my wardrobe more often. I love that I can wear it as a layering piece now over a sweater but I’ll also be able to wear it over sundresses in the warmer months. While a chambray blazer may not be everyone’s cup of tea, if you work in a formal office setting, this light jacket might be just the addition you need for your spring and summer work wardrobe.

Where to find your newest chambray piece? As far as a button-up, you can find these just about anywhere. Mine is from Old Navy and I’ve nothing bad to say. It’s on the lighter side and is fitted just enough for my taste but they also have a boyfriend cut for a relaxed look. Chambray dresses are the same as chambray shirts. You can find them at all prices and at most retailers. As for this chambray jacket, it is a thrift store find that came to me via Diary of this Girl Megan but I’ve found the exact same one here second hand. Otherwise, this one and this one are two options you might like

spring style essentials - chambray blazer - chambray jacket - high waist crop jeans - how to dress up denim spring style essentials - chambray blazer - chambray jacket - high waist crop jeans - how to dress up denim spring style essentials - chambray blazer - chambray jacket - high waist crop jeans - how to dress up denim spring style essentials - chambray blazer - chambray jacket - high waist crop jeans - how to dress up denim spring style essentials - chambray blazer - chambray jacket - high waist crop jeans - how to dress up denim spring style essentials - chambray blazer - chambray jacket - high waist crop jeans - how to dress up denim spring style essentials - chambray blazer - chambray jacket - high waist crop jeans - how to dress up denim spring style essentials - chambray blazer - chambray jacket - high waist crop jeans - how to dress up denim spring style essentials - chambray blazer - chambray jacket - high waist crop jeans - how to dress up denim spring style essentials - chambray blazer - chambray jacket - high waist crop jeans - how to dress up denim spring style essentials - chambray blazer - chambray jacket - high waist crop jeans - how to dress up denim

What are your thoughts on chambray for spring? Are you sticking with just a button-up or are your going to adventure out into new chambray finds? Let me know in the comments!

Until next time,
Ana Luiza

JACKET: thrifted via Diary of this Girl Megan, similar here and the same one here // SHIRT: old Banana Republic, similar here // JEANS: American Eagle, similar here // SHOES: old Nine West, similar here // BAG: old Aldo, similar here // UMBRELLA: Target


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Northwest Blonde is a Seattle based life and style blog by Ana Luiza.

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  1. Very nice transition outfit … spring is almost there 😉 Great heels as well!


    Posted 3.8.18
    • Ana Luiza wrote:

      Thanks so much! I can’t wait to be able to wear them more regularly
      xo – Ana Luiza

      Posted 3.12.18

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