
How I Budget for Shopping as a Fashion Blogger

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There is a belief out there that fashion bloggers shop constantly. At least for this fashion blogger, that myth simply isn’t true. I’ve been asked before how I budget for clothes or if I’m a shopaholic and always have new things “for the blog”. So today I wanted to answer your questions regarding how I budget for shopping as a fashion blogger.

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How I Budget for Shopping (as a Fashion Blogger)

While Instagram can make it seem as if people are constantly shopping, that simply isn’t the case. Constant shopping simply isn’t sustainable, either on your wallet or in your closet. Personally, I don’t shop for clothes that often. Within the budget that my husband and I set for ourselves, I limit myself to $100-$200 of self purchases a month. This includes everything from getting my hair done to brunch with my girlfriends and yes all my clothing.

How do I manage it? It’s all in the planning. When I know I have a hair appointment coming up, I limit the clothing shopping. When I know there are new collections launching (hello Gal Meets Glam Collection launching this Friday), I cut back on the number of trips to Starbucks I make with co-workers. It’s pretty straight forward.

And don’t think that means I’m not window shopping constantly. I troll Nordstrom, Shopbop, and Amazon as much and the next girl. I simply don’t pull the trigger that often. I’ve mentioned before that I have a Currently Craving Pinterest board and I also keep several lists in my phone/Google Drive.

I try to keep my list making in two categories: Essentials and Fun. My Essentials list are things that I should buy to fill the holes in my wardrobe. Plain black pumps, black pointed toe flats, more work pants, necessary but not all that exciting. My Fun list is the opposite; items that catch my eye but aren’t practical for day to day life. Pink faux fur coat, red high heels, a new party dress.

Finally, I’ve been embracing thrifting more and more lately. My friend Megan always is down to share her thrift shopping wisdom (along with all her finds). It’s a great way to shop when your on a budget/simply want to stretch your budget a little further or simply don’t want to have the same dress as the girl next to you.

Do you budget for shopping? What is your strategy? Let me know in the comments!

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Until next time,
Ana Luiza

DRESS: Shop Stevie // SHOES: Macys // BAG: Amazon // SUNGLASSES: Amazon (only $10)


Meet Ana Luiza

Northwest Blonde is a Seattle based life and style blog by Ana Luiza.

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  1. Very nice dress and outfit 😉 And please never forget that many things you see on Instagram is like a movie with special effects 🙂 Real life is not like that!


    Posted 4.18.18
    • Ana Luiza wrote:

      Thanks so much! Yes indeed. It’s only the best moments and I think we all tend to forget that some time
      xo – Ana Luiza

      Posted 4.22.18
  2. Lyddiegal wrote:

    It can be a challenge to be a blogger and keep the desire to consonantly be shopping at bay! But it does help to keep a budget and try not to get tempted by every trend you see!

    Posted 4.18.18
    • Ana Luiza wrote:

      Exactly! and I’ve found that sticking to a budget has really helped me avoid trends that aren’t 100% me as well.
      xo – Ana Luiza

      Posted 4.22.18

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