
First Trimester Recap | NWBlonde Baby

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Well, the secret’s out and by now I’m guessing that you know I’m currently 22 weeks pregnant (or 5 months if that makes more sense) and well into my second trimester. I don’t foresee doing a bunch of maternity themed posts (unless that’s something you want to see) but I wanted to open up more and share some more of my personal life with you guys.

I think I really lucked out in the first trimester of my pregnancy. No hugging a toilet day and night, no crazy mood swings or cravings. Overall, I was able to go about my life as normal with a few notable exceptions.

First Trimester Recap 


I was a zombie all summer long. Getting up for work was the biggest struggle. I can only describe it as getting off a red-eye and immediately going into work kind of tired but every single day with no rest days to recover. I basically quit wearing makeup, doing my hair, or working out for the first few months because I simply had no energy. Over the weekends, I’d sleep in late then take several naps throughout the day but on weekdays I was up by 6 am, dozing on the bus into work, nap at lunch, doze on the bus home, nap once I got home, get up for dinner then immediately go back to bed. I’ve NEVER been a person who napped so this was a departure from the norm for me.

Constantly Using the Bathroom

I always thought that this was something that happened later in pregnancy but oh no, it started right off the bat. According to my OBGYN, this is because your kidneys work harder from the get go but what it meant for me was that I had to get up multiple times in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. That is on top of having to stop whatever I was doing during the day seemingly every 15 minutes.

No Appetite

One of the first questions people seemed to ask me when they first heard I was pregnant was if I was craving anything when the reality was the polar opposite. For the first trimester, I didn’t want to eat anything. I was forcing myself to eat a couple times throughout the day because I started losing weight. I also noticed a change in my taste buds. When I did feeling hungry, which wasn’t often, I only wanted juice, smoothies, and soups. Maybe because it was summer or maybe it was simply because those foods are easy to digest, I have no idea.

A growing (and hurting) chest size

This was one of my first indicators that I may be pregnant. First, all of my bras started to feel too tight and even then, it just hurt to wear anything. I’ve never been well endowed in my chest but this was a whole new experience. The slightest touch hurt, wearing a bra hurt, not wearing a bra hurt, it was just a bad situation for a couple months. What saved me, in the end, was digging out an ancient VS Ipex bra without an underwire and wearing that on repeat.

None of my jeans fit

Another pregnancy myth busted was that I could keep wearing my regular jeans until late in my pregnancy. Well since I wear almost exclusively mid or high waisted jeans, that started to get really difficult by month three. Sure I could still button them but I wasn’t comfortable and there was no way I could keep them buttoned AND sit down. Lucky for me, it was the height of summer so I just opted for skirts and dresses most of the time. When I really needed to wear a pair of jeans, the rubber band trick came in handy.

That’s just a little summary of what was happening with me over the summer. I’m currently at 5 months and everything is starting to seem MUCH more real now.

If you’re interested in reading more of these pregnancy recaps just let me know in the comments and I’ll make sure to continue posting them along the way

Until next time,
Ana Luiza


Meet Ana Luiza

Northwest Blonde is a Seattle based life and style blog by Ana Luiza.

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