
5 Baby Products that Got Us through the First Month

Best baby products for the first month

A while back I saw fellow Seattle blogger Nicole of Fishbowl Fashion post her recommendations of the products that helped her during the first month of her little girl’s life and I loved this idea. When your pregnant, you get bombarded with ads, lists, and advice for all the stuff you supposedly “need” as a new parent. Seeing what people actually used versus what you’re told you need to purchase was quite eye-opening. Mainly because you don’t need a whole lot compared to what people (ie stores) would have you believe.

One giant caveat before we get to the list. The number one thing that got us through the first month was a support system. My parents basically moved in with us and helped in more ways than I probably know. My mom handled me and the baby while my dad made sure we were all fed. My hat is off to anyone who has gone through the newborn stage without any help from family or friends because it was a rough transition.

Now without further adieu, here are the top 5 baby products that helped us get through the first month:

  1. Swaddleme newborn swaddle – Teddy grew out of these swaddles after the first two weeks but they were FANTASTIC while they lasted. They are basically a baby straight jacket/mummy bag that you just zip them into. I love that they zip from both the top and bottom, which made nighttime diaper changes easier (I don’t understand why all newborn clothes don’t zip from both ends. It’s a game changer). This was the only swaddle we used during the first few weeks because it requires no baby origami, which he would just instantly break out of.
  2. Baby nightgowns – On a similar note, these nightgowns made nighttime diaper changes much quicker and less painful for everyone involved. They are long enough that we were able to tuck his legs in and he wouldn’t wake up as often during nighttime diaper changes.
  3. Podster pillow – Teddy just refused to sleep in the bassinet for the first few days and weeks of his life. Whenever we set him flat on his back, he’d just wake up and you’d be back at ground zero. This lounger pillow was the place where he’d actually sleep, aside from being held, since it hugged him in close and kept him a little propped up. He still uses it now but less for sleeping and more for when I need to set him down. This pillow has a lot of similarities to the DocATot but is a whole heck of a lot cheaper. We were gifted both and this pillow was more helpful in the easy days and weeks while the DocATot is more useful now that he’s a little bigger and older. I bet the podster pillow would be a great alternative for kiddos with reflux versus the DocATot.
  4. Bottle feeding – This may be a controversial one but we started bottle feeding Teddy when he was a couple of weeks old. We used it at night to help him get more food in his belly more easily, which then allowed him (and us) to sleep longer. Before he would nurse every hour and it was quickly turning me into a zombie. With pumped breast milk, I was able to have help during the overnight feedings and get a little more sleep.
  5. Peaceful Sleeper Newborn Essentials Class – I did a whole review gushing talking over this newborn sleep class. It was just what I needed for my confidence and to help me have a better idea of what to do/should be doing as a new mom. Since the class includes a bunch of baby troubleshooting tips, it is helpful in everything from getting your baby to sleep better as well as soothing tricks, swaddling, and how to deal with other issues that might come up (reflux, colic, gas, etc).


What were some of your favorite baby products? Are there any products you swear by for the later stages of babyhood? Let me know in the comments!
Until next time,
Ana Luiza


Meet Ana Luiza

Northwest Blonde is a Seattle based life and style blog by Ana Luiza.

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