
Six Months with Teddy

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Half a year.

It’s already been half a year since my little squish came into this world! While I can’t believe it’s already been six months, it also strangely it feels like he’s always been here. I know it’s cliche to say that time seems to pass by faster once you have kids but it’s a cliche for a reason. It straight up zooms by!

This little guy brings me endless amounts of joy. He’s changing and growing so fast but some things have stayed the same, which is making me think that they’ll just be part of his little personality. My favorite being his smile. It’s the most contagious thing and he deploys it often. I’ve seen it work on everyone including the bureaucrats at the passport agency (so you know it works). 

Now that he’s (finally) sleeping through the night, I feel like life has really leveled out and there’s a new normal. We have our routine and when we’re consistent, he really thrives. That being said, he’s also ok when everything gets thrown out the window due to travel. He’s already been to Long Beach, WA, Houston, TX, and Kalispell, MT. We have two more trips planned with him in the next few months including one international trip. It’s another cliche that kids are really resilient but Teddy has proven that to be true to me.

All in all, life is really good right now. This kid has brought so much happiness and love into my life that it hurts. These past six months have been a rollercoaster and I can’t imagine that the next six will be any different but I’m looking forward to them. 

xo – Ana Luiza


Meet Ana Luiza

Northwest Blonde is a Seattle based life and style blog by Ana Luiza.

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