
The Dry Shampoo Secret Nobody is Talking About

how to have the healthiest hair

Guys, I recently discovered a dry shampoo secret that has changed how I use dry shampoo. Are you ready?

Apply your dry shampoo at night before bed.

Why did no one tell me about this trick before now?! It’s totally changed up my dry shampoo and hair washing game. I’ve found that when I apply dry shampoo at night, not only does the tossing and turning really work the product into my hair but I wake up with “clean” hair that is full of volume.

It’s such a simple little change that has made an impact on my hair routine. I use the Batiste Clean & Light because it has the least amount of scent and it works like a charm.

Give it a shot and let me know what you think. I’ll advise that you simply wash your pillowcase the day after because you don’t want to be sleeping the next night with your face in leftover dry shampoo.

xo – Ana Luiza


Meet Ana Luiza

Northwest Blonde is a Seattle based life and style blog by Ana Luiza.

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