
Amazon Products that Make My Life Easier

2021 reading list

In honor of Prime Day today, I wanted to share some products from Amazon that have made my life easier. There are all products that are available on Amazon Prime but they are also available on Walmart and Target who are also having massive sales today and tomorrow. So if your favorites sell out on one site, make sure to check the other two as there will be a significant amount of crossover.

I hope you score big today. Happy Prime (and sale) shopping!

Amazon Products that Make My Life Easier

Dyson Cordless Vaccum

I enjoy vacuuming these days. It’s weird to say but this cordless vacuum changed the game for me. It’s perfect for both carpet and hardwood meaning I don’t have to change settings as I move throughout the house. Not having a cord really is amazing. We had a Roomba prior to getting the Dyson and I’m 1000% team Dyson!

Bissel Steam Mop

I hate mopping with a passion and this steam mop makes the process almost painless. Plus I like that it only uses water and the machine-washable cleaning pads. No chemicals. No disposable pads. No waste.

Electric Kettle

List this under appliances I didn’t think I would use! I use our electric kettle multiple times a day, every day. For coffee, tea, instant oatmeal, you name it.

Teddy’s Toy Workbench

This was Ted’s Christmas gift and he LOVES it! Even now six months later, he loves to work with his tools especially when Andrew is also working with tools. If Andrew comes out of the shed with a hammer, Ted flat-out runs to go get his toy hammer as well.

R.Vivimos Mumu

Aka ‘The Amazon Mumu’ that took the internet by storm a couple of years ago. I bought into the hype and I have to say it’s still my most worn summer dress for those extra hot days. It doesn’t stick to sweat, it doesn’t show dirty toddler fingerprints, and it comes in tons of colors. I was hesitant at first but I’m still reaching for it years later.

Kindle Paperwhite

We are a Kindle family. My parents have them, Andrew’s family has them. We both have them. Andrew got me the waterproof Kindle Paperwhite for my birthday and I can honestly say that I’ve been reading more since November than I have in years. It’s easy to just have all your books on the Kindle in such an easy-to-read format. You can get library books on the Kindle which is a great cost savings “hack” that I swear by.

Slip Silk Eyemask

This is stupid expensive for what it is but when I say it has changed my life, I really mean it. I’ve tried so many different eye masks and none compare to the Slip Silk Eyemask. It fits my head but isn’t too tight putting only the most gentle pressure on my eyes to encourage them to remain shut. It blocks out all light so I can sleep even this far north where the sun rises at 5am. It never tangles in my hair. I’ve been using it for a couple of months now and don’t think I’ll ever be able to go back.

Revlon One-Step Hair Dryer 

I’ve had this hair dryer for over three years now and I still love it. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve used my regular hairdryer in all that time. This is an oval-shaped hair dryer that dries, styles, and volumizes your hair all in one go. I love it! I can go from damp hair to full blowout in under 15 minutes. It’s incredible and life-changing.

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Meet Ana Luiza

Northwest Blonde is a Seattle based life and style blog by Ana Luiza.

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