
Things I’m Loving Vol 2

Last week I shared 5 things that I’ve been loving. It was just meant to be a little highlight or bright spot on the week. Well, I saw that Blair of the Fox & She posted something similar and I really liked her format so I’m going to try a spin on her version for this week’s highlights. Let me know what you’re loving right now in the comments!

Things I’m Loving II

Quote of the Week: “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are” – Theodore Roosevelt. It seems really fitting for the time we are living through right now.

Things that Make Me Happy: Teddy learned how to say “cool” and it’s hilarious! He thinks that any type of glasses are “cool” and always wants to wear mine or Andrew’s sunglasses. I wear regular glasses and in the morning when I get him out of his crib, if I haven’t put my contacts in, he looks at me and says “cool.”

What I’m Eating and Drinking: Andrew brought home some mint chocolate so I made the most delicious mug cakes! They are from this Quarantine Cooking post if you want a super-indulgent chocolatey treat. I also made another batch of green soup (from this post) to help balance things out.

What I’m Watching/Listening: to be totally honest music just hasn’t been cutting it for me this week. I’ve been listening to the Pride and Prejudice soundtrack on repeat because it’s super soothing. I also like the Piano in the Background playlist from Spotify. I haven’t been watching anything really. I just don’t have the patience for it right now.

What’s in My Cart: Nordstrom sale is still going strong so I have these sneakers and this dress in my cart. I can’t get both so I’ve been going back and forth on which one I should snag while they are on sale. I’ve been thinking about these sneakers for a long time and they rarely go on sale but this dress also will sell out and the brand almost never goes on sale. Decisions, decisions.

How I’m Sweating: quaRUNtine training is still going on (tomorrow is a 7 miler) and High Fitness have been my go-to’s. I also did a couple of Marissa Wood yoga flows from her Instagram. Those were nice for days when I really didn’t want to workout but needed to gently move my body.

What I’m Looking Forward To: The weekend! Andrew is still working so it’s just me and Ted all day, every day. Having Andrew around on the weekends is nice because it’s another person to interact with. And he speaks in full sentences too!


Meet Ana Luiza

Northwest Blonde is a Seattle based life and style blog by Ana Luiza.

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